By Kim Willis These articles are copyrighted and may not be
copied or used without the permission of the author.
It took several weeks for the flowers to begin
opening. I was amazed to see the
teardrop shaped dangling buds open into tiny orchid like flowers of purple and
green. With the idea that it belonged to
the orchid family I searched through my plant ID resources until I came upon
its name, Epipactis helleborine.
It turns out this tiny orchid is native to Europe, Asia
and North Africa. It’s been in the US
since the early 1800’s, the story goes that it was brought here by garden
groups for its medicinal purposes. I’ll
get to that in a minute. Poor Man’s Lady
Slipper or Weed orchid, if you go by common names, has actually been in
Michigan for about 100 years, although it hasn’t been recorded in my county
yet. This hardy orchid has managed to
naturalize across the northeastern part of the US and southern Canada.
Imagine my amusement when I came across a stern
admonition from some Michigan “conservation” group warning that Epipactis helleborine is one of those nasty invasive plants that
must be eliminated at all costs. Its
major crime is that it occupies space that in some minds must be reserved for
native species. If you read my blog
often you know I don’t subscribe to the notion of plants causing the extinction
of other plants, especially when they simply just move into disturbed habitat
and prove to be a good fit. Nature puts
the best species she can find in an environment, regardless of origin.
Some other states also classify Epipactis helleborine as invasive but most simply list it as
naturalized, the same status as dandelions, chicory, and other common plants
brought here and which have no major impacts on the environment. I don’t intend to remove it from my garden
because it’s a fascinating little plant.
it looks like
So let’s examine Epipactis
helleborine. The perennial plants
like woodland edges, partial shade and good, loamy soil. They exist in both dry and wet
environments. A mature plant with flower
stalk will be about 12-18 inches high. The leaves are blade shaped with
distinct parallel veins and they clasp the stem in an alternate pattern. The plant has a root system of thin, narrow
rhizomes and is considered a terrestrial orchid; it gets nutrients from the
soil. Plants are hardy to zone 3.
In July (in Michigan) Epipactis helleborine sends up a
flower stalk. The buds are teardrop
shape and dangle from a short stem. Flowers
begin opening on the bottom of the flower stalk. They are a typical orchid flower shape, about
a ½ inch across, with a pouch on the bottom that contains nectar to attract
insects. There are two petals and an odd
shaped fused sexual organ on top and 3 colored sepals that look like petals on
the outside of it all. Flowers are widely variable in color, according to the
literature, but generally green and purple or pink, a few with white flowers
have been found. The one in my garden is
a light lavender pink and green.
helleborine is said to spread both by its tiny seeds and
by rhizomes. Some people say it spreads
rapidly, others say it only slowly spreads.
Location is everything, as they say.
Now the plants aren’t especially showy unless you see
them up close and maybe you wouldn’t want them to spread through your entire
garden. But they are interesting, (I’m getting to that), and the foliage left
after the flowers fade should be no less attractive than lily of the valley or
brunnera foliage. Those are the plants
near the Epipactis helleborine in my
garden. If you needed a groundcover in
the shade it seems they would make a pretty good one. A hardy orchid groundcover- that’s unique.
I doubt it would make a good houseplant but you never know. Maybe someone should experiment with that
idea. If mine sets seed this year I may
try to germinate it indoors and see what gappens.
interesting thing about Epipactis
There are over 100 chemicals in the plant and its
nectar. The orchid produces scented
nectar that attracts insects to its pouch, where they imbibe and become tipsy
and drowsy. Drunk, doped insects tend to
move slowly and stay on the plant or its nearby relatives for a long time,
which favors pollination. The nectar contains among other things vanillin and
eugenol for scent and ethanol, indole, and a chemical identical to OxyContin, a
morphine derivative, for making insects woozy and feeling good.
Now before some of you start seeing dollar signs with
growing a legal source of a drug, you’ll want to know that the nectar also
contains some other toxic chemicals that are hard to remove, like
“furfural”. Believe me I came across
lots of drug culture sites in my research where people talked about how to
separate the OxyContin from the more harmful stuff and it was a difficult, time
consuming task requiring a lot of complex knowledge of chemistry from what I
could see.
The nectar from each flower is a minute quantity and
although some plants have 100 flowers the harvest from all of them would still
amount to a few drops. To make a profit
from producing Oxycontin from Epipactis
helleborine you’d have to grow acres of the plant, harvest the tiny flowers
and drain them of nectar some way and run the nectar through a lab with lots of
expensive equipment. Then you would
still have an illegal product.
Now some of you may remember that I said the plants were
brought over here for their medicinal qualities before they escaped. Some evidence suggests the plants were used
to treat insanity, headache and gout.
It’s suggested that the roots were used in these remedies, although
modern herbals don’t cover this plant. I
suggest you don’t experiment with ingesting the plant, especially if you are
drug tested for your job.
I intend to leave the little alien orchid in my garden. I
enjoy interesting and different plants.
If it spreads I may share some.
There’s some links below for more reading on the chemical properties of
the plant and one where you can buy seed, although it seems few people know how
to get that seed to grow.
Seeing this plant for the first time in my garden this summer 2020.
ReplyDeleteIt must have arrived with the COVID-19! Just kidding. It's kind of pretty so I left it to grow under my Japanese maple but had to pull up some as it seemed to be popping up in many places.
We have been making flower essences from epipactis helleborine since it first appeared in our healing arts garden in 2018. We now include the essence in our topical analgesic lotion.
ReplyDeleteI saw 1 plant the first year, 5 plants widely spead the second year, ever since I kill it as quickly as possible. I can not seem to get rid of it. I try to get all of the root, but once in awhile they break off.