great salad greens

of greens
Great salad greens
include more than iceburg or head lettuce.
In fact, any other type of greens will give you more taste and nutrition
and are easier for home gardeners to grow.
A mixture of greens including lettuces is often called a mesclun
mix. You can buy pre-mixed mesclun
greens or mix your own with seeds from things you like.
Easiest of all greens
to grow is leaf lettuce. Leaf lettuce
grows as single leaves on a stem and does not curl into a head. It comes in various shades of green and
red. Some leaf lettuce has flat leaves
but there are also frilly leaved and lobed leaf varieties. Leaf lettuce can be planted outside a month
before the last frost is expected and will be ready to harvest in as little as
a month. Leaf lettuce is more nutritious than head lettuce, but the taste is a
little different.
Head lettuce or
iceburg lettuce is the lettuce most familiar to people but the hardest lettuce
for home gardeners to grow. It makes
round heads of pale green and yellow with a very mild taste. It is low in nutrition compared to other
greens. Head lettuce needs a long season
of cool days to make mild flavored heads.
Butterhead lettuce has
leaves curled into loose heads. The
individual leaves are somewhat thicker than leaf lettuce. They can be solid green or tinged with red. The flavor is mild and crisp. Thy have more nutrition than head lettuce and
are a favorite of home gardeners.
Romaine or cos lettuce
has leaves that grow more upright, with a heavier rib to each leaf. The leaves in the center of the lettuce clump
blanch to a creamy yellow. They are excellent
for Caesar salad.
Spinach is another
easy to grow green for salads. There are
several types of spinach. The oriental
types have arrow shaped leaves.
Conventional spinach comes in flat leaf and savoy varieties. Savoy leaves are deeply quilted or
crinkled. New Zealand Spinach is not
true spinach, but very close in taste and it grows better in warm periods.
Both beets and turnips
have greens that are very tasty in salad.
You can use whole baby plants you have thinned from the rows or pinch
off leaves from plants you intend to eat the roots of later. There are also varieties of beets and turnips
that are grown primarily for the leaves that don’t form large roots.
Escarole/ endive have
leaves similar to lettuce but thicker.
The taste is a little stronger.
Escarole tolerates both heat and cold.
Mustard comes in plain and frilly leaved varieties and has a somewhat
“sharp” or pungent taste. Kale has firm,
upright leaves and also comes in red and green varieties. It makes a good fall
Other greens include
cress, chicory, arugula, purslane, pak choi, orach and sorrel.
Most salad greens like
to grow in the cooler times of the year and benefit from early spring or fall
planting. They tolerate frost quite
well. Full sun is best in spring and fall
but in the heat of summer an area that is shaded in the middle of the day would
be ideal.
Most greens should be
sown directly where you want them to grow.
Firmly press lettuce seed down on the soil but don’t cover it, it needs
light to germinate. Cover the seed of other
greens lightly. Keep your greens moist
until they germinate and keep them well watered while growing. You may want to start the seeds of head
lettuce inside and transfer plants outside.
Greens are also good
crops to grow in containers. They need
only 6-8 inches of soil and a few large pots can grow a good amount of
greens. Growing in pots can allow you to
have greens close to the kitchen or to be able to move pots to other locations
as the seasons change.
Greens should be sown
in small quantities at three week intervals so you don’t have too much to
harvest at a time. They don’t take long
to grow so they could be sown early where you will plant warm weather crops
later. They can also be sown between
slow growing crops.
Greens appreciate
nitrogen fertilizers. A fertilizer for
grass, with high nitrogen content but no weed killers will really give them a
boost. You can also use a garden
fertilizer at planting.
Flea beetles, tiny
black bugs that eat holes in the leaves and end up in your salad, are often a
problem in plantings of greens. The good
news is that greens don’t need pollination to produce a crop so they can be
covered to keep out bugs. Use a really
lightweight spun row cover and make sure it is well anchored at the ground.
Slugs and snails can
also be a problem in plantings of greens.
You can cover the soil around the plants with a layer of diatomaceous
earth or sand which often helps. Raised
beds or containers will also help. Row
covers don’t keep out slugs and snails all the time, but may help.
Pick the leaves of all
greens when they are small and sweet. As
they get older they get tougher and bitter.
Keep the plants from going to seed as this tends to make the greens taste
bitter also. If you see the plant
putting out a long, tall, narrow stalk it is a flower stalk and it should be
snapped off. When it gets really hot any greens still growing can get a bit
bitter. You may want to pull out all the
remaining plants and discard them on the compost pile. In late August you can plant another crop for
fall greens.
Head, romaine and
butterhead lettuces are usually harvested as whole plants. But you can snip or pull off leaves of romaine
and butterhead lettuce and the plants will produce more leaves for a while
anyway. You can cut or pick leaves off
leaf lettuce, spinach, kale, turnips, beets, mustard, escarole and the plants
will keep producing more leaves. If you
want the roots of turnips and beets to develop then only harvest a few leaves
from each plant.
Growing your own salad
is one of the great joys of gardening and greens take so little space and time
that almost anyone can grow them. Plant
some today!
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