Iris, bearded/German

Beautiful bearded iris, also referred to as German iris, have some of the most colorful flowers in the garden.  The iris family contains many species, the bearded Iris we grow in our gardens are hybrids of some of those species.  Bearded iris are hardy and easy to grow and good for beginning gardeners.   For a splash of color in late spring and early summer, plant some bearded iris in your garden.

Bearded irises are usually grown as part of mixed borders.  Small varieties can be grown in rock gardens or even in pots and containers.  They come in every color of the rainbow and in many different heights, from 6” to 3’ or more high.  In catalogs they are generally grouped by height, flower size and bloom time.  They are a collector’s delight with hundreds of varieties on the market.    The iris names are often as colorful as they are.

Bearded irises have thick, “sword- like” leaves and the plants form clumps.  The bearded iris flower has six petals.  Three petals stand upright and these are called the “standards.”  The other three petals droop downward and are called the “falls.”   Each “fall” has a group of hair-like growths near its base called the “beard.”  Each bearded iris variety can be all one color- beard, falls and standards, or each part can be a different color.   The flowers appear at the end of long stalks in clusters.  Some varieties are fragrant.  Bearded iris begins blooming in mid spring with the dwarf and intermediate varieties, and continues into early summer with the border and tall varieties.   Some new varieties may re-bloom in fall when the season is long and mild.

Growing bearded iris

Bearded irises are hardy in zones 4-7.  The best time to plant bearded iris is late summer or early fall.  They may be sold in pots or more commonly, as bare rhizomes.  A rhizome is a long, fleshy looking thing with roots coming out of the bottom.  It will generally have a few leaves, called a fan, that have been cut to 3-4 inches.  Don’t worry if the fan is dry and yellow, as long as the rhizome is firm and plump.   Mushy, soft, or shriveled, dry rhizomes or those with holes in them should not be bought.  Long, branching iris rhizomes with two or more fans will give you bigger plants and are more likely to bloom the first year.  About 60-70% of bearded iris bloom the first year after they are planted.  

Bearded iris need full sun.   They need well drained soil, and do well with little water after they are established.  As growth starts in early spring, iris benefits from a small amount of low nitrogen fertilizer.  For the best chance of getting re-blooming varieties to actually re-bloom, fertilize them again after the first bloom has finished, and give them a little water if the summer is dry.  

To plant iris rhizomes dig a trench a few inches deep and make a little mound of soil in it.  Place the rhizome on the center of the mound and fan any roots out along the sides of the mound.  Then re-fill the trench.  The top of the rhizome should be just barely covered in soil.  In heavy clay soil the top of the rhizome can even be left exposed.  Bearded irises will not bloom if they are planted too deeply.   Plant the rhizomes 18-24” apart.  The first year after planting the rhizomes should be mulched with straw, oak leaves or other material that doesn’t mat down.  This is to prevent them from being heaved out of the ground before the roots are established.  Remove the mulch as soon as the weather begins to warm.  Bearded iris should be kept weed free and they are one plant that should not be mulched during the growing season.  The tops of the rhizomes need air and sun for the plants to do well.

To keep your bearded iris plants looking their best remove each flower as it dies.   When all the flowers on a stalk are finished blooming cut the stalk down as close to the base of the plant as possible.  Remove any leaves that yellow or have spots and streaks on them, and cut all the leaves off close to the ground after frost in the fall.  This helps keep disease and pests from over-wintering.

Bearded irises need to be divided every 3-4 years for best bloom.  Over time the center of the clump stops blooming and if the plants are too crowded, all may stop blooming.   Dig up the clumps after they have bloomed, wash off the rhizomes and cut apart the clumps.  Leave a nice section of firm rhizome with a “fan” or two.  Cut the leaves on the fan back to a couple of inches.   Discard the old, woody and dry looking pieces of rhizomes from the center of the clump and also discard any soft, black mushy pieces or rhizomes with holes bored in them.  Then re-plant your divided rhizomes and share the excess with other gardeners.  

In some areas bearded iris may get iris borer.  A night feeding moth lays eggs on the plants near the leaf base.  These hatch into caterpillars which first feed on the leaves, then move into the rhizomes.  They are big, fat pink things that eat the inside of the rhizome.  This leaves the rhizomes more susceptible to bacterial rot, which turns the rhizomes black and mushy.   To keep iris plants healthy remove damaged and diseased rhizomes, cut back and remove leaves before winter, and don’t over water.

The rhizomes of iris are dried and powdered to form orris root and dried rhizomes are also used to make perfumes.

Dividing bearded iris

August and September are good months to divide your bearded iris.  As irises grow they make huge clumps of plants and as they get crowded your blooms will get less.  Many, old crowded iris beds have only a few blooms each spring, generally on the edge of the clump.  Iris should be divided every 3-5 years to improve blooming and keep the garden bed from being overtaken. You may also want to divide iris to give some to friends or make another garden bed.  If you need to move iris to another location in the garden August and September are also good times to do it.

Irises make new plants on rhizomes.  Many people think these are roots, but the roots actually grow from the underside of the rhizome.   Rhizomes are actually underground stems and you will see joints or nodes along the rhizome with leaves (or “fans” in iris jargon), popping up along each node. Rhizomes are tan, knotty looking and can branch off in unusual ways.  There should be roots on the bottom of younger rhizomes.  Each rhizome section with its “fan” can become a separate iris plant.
It’s pretty easy to divide iris and any gardener should feel competent to do it.  You’ll need a good sharp knife to help divide rhizomes, some scissors to cut the iris leaves and something to put your divided rhizomes in.  You may also want some common household bleach for disinfecting rhizomes.

Decisions about divisions

Start by deciding what you will do with the divided plants.  If you need to prepare a new site you should get that done.  Irises will “hold” outside of the soil for a few weeks but it’s best to get them planted as quickly as possible.  Contact your gardening friends to see if they want some divisions if you think you’ll have too many.

New iris divisions will have flowers exactly like the plant you divided.  If you want different colors or varieties of iris you may be able to trade your divisions for them.  Place an ad or contact local garden clubs if you don’t have gardening friends to trade with.
If you need to hold the divided rhizomes for a few weeks wash the soil off them, let them dry in a sunny place for a few hours then put the rhizomes in a cool dry place.  You don’t want new growth to start until you have them replanted so don’t store them in plastic bags or anything that retains moisture.

Here’s how to do it

Dig the whole clump of iris up.  Irises have shallow roots and this is easy to do.   Make a circle around them with a spade and then lift them up.  If the clumps are packed together in a bed you may cut through some with your spade as you lift them but you will generally have plenty of good rhizomes left.

Put the clump of iris on a tarp, a board, or on cement and gently wash all the soil off the rhizomes with a garden hose so you can see what you have.  Cut the iris leaves back to about 3-4 inches; it doesn’t matter if they are cut on a slant or straight across. 

After a rhizome section blooms it will never bloom again.  Examine the clump you lifted carefully.  To determine which rhizomes sections are old you can look for the flower stem.  Old rhizomes may also be devoid of roots and have tiny holes on the underside where the roots fell off.  In a clump old rhizomes are generally in the center.

You’ll want to divide irises between joints, leaving each section with one or two sets of leaves and a healthy section of rhizome consisting of 2 or more joints.  You can start new plants from a single node or section, but they will be smaller and may not bloom for 2 years.  Sometimes you can snap the joints apart with your fingers but cutting is more precise.

If the old iris rhizomes have new sections of rhizomes with no leaves or very small leaves on them you can save the old rhizome and replant it with the young daughter plants.  It will provide food for them until they grow more leaves.  Otherwise discard old rhizomes that have bloomed. 
Examine the rhizomes you are keeping looking for mushy areas or large holes in the top side of the rhizome.  Large holes may indicate iris borers and there may be a large pink worm inside the hole.  Those pieces should be discarded in the trash, not the compost pile.  In the compost pile the pink “worm” can mature into the adult iris borer moth and infect your other plants. Soft, mushy areas indicate bacterial rot and should also be discarded.

Next add one cup of common household bleach, without scent added, to a gallon of water and soak the good rhizomes for 10 minutes.  Remove, rinse with clean water and and allow them to dry in a sunny place for a few hours.  This removes disease organisms.   You can re-use the bleach solution for several batches on the same day. If you know the name or color of the iris you are dividing you can write that on the leaves of the divided pieces with a marker or add a label held on with a rubber band to the piece.


Replant the divided sections of rhizome shallowly, root side down, leaves up, with the surface of the rhizome just under the soil.  Plant the rhizomes 1 foot apart.   Iris bloom best in full sun positions.  If the weather is dry water the replanted rhizomes once a week.   

If you buy irises to plant or hold your divided rhizomes try to get them into the ground by mid-September in zones 5 and lower, the end of September for zones 6 and higher.  This will make it more likely that they will grow well for you and bloom the first spring.  Larger rhizome sections will probably bloom in the spring.  Smaller sections may take two years to bloom.  Fertilizing with a slow release granular fertilizer in early spring helps make strong plants and large blooms.
If you take good care of your irises and divide them faithfully you’ll have them around for years

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