By Kim Willis These articles are copyrighted and may not be
copied or used without the permission of the author.
Most garden daylilies are hybrids of several species of Hemerocallis that
are native to temperate Asia. These species have been turned into an
unbelievable range of flower colors, types and sizes in the last 100
years. Daylilies are easy to hybridize
and people all over the country are breeding daylilies in the backyard as a
hobby. But you don’t have to be
interested in breeding daylilies to enjoy them; they are the workhorse of the
perennial garden.
The common daylily (Hemerocallis
fulva) sometimes referred to as the ditch lily or wild daylily is an old
variety of daylily of uncertain origin, and can be used as a garden plant. It
can be quite invasive however, and tends to look bad shortly after blooming
when it yellows and dies back. It is a
very old garden plant that escaped cultivation and the mystery of its creation
has been lost. It is self- infertile and
never sets seed but the pollen can be used to fertilize other garden daylilies. It spreads by rhizomes. There is a double flowered variety also.
I have tons of common daylily and I do enjoy the pretty orange
flowers. However once you get them in
the garden they can be hard to control and will take over vast areas of space. I suggest using them in wilder, rougher areas
where you don’t mind them spreading and using newer hybrid daylilies in the
perennial border or beds. After the
common daylily starts yellowing mow them down and they will come back green and
nicer looking until frost kills them.
Varieties and
Daylilies sell for a few dollars up to hundreds of dollars for new
varieties. If your budget can’t afford a
daylily you see in a catalog, keep looking.
Chances are that there is an older variety that is very similar and a
whole lot cheaper. Catalogs may overwhelm you with the selection of daylilies
they carry and you need to get to know some daylily terminology to make good
choices. In the description of the plant
you’ll see some abbreviations that indicate plant characteristics. While some of these abbreviations are common
in all catalogs you need to find the key that explains what the abbreviations
mean in the catalog/on line site you are looking at.
The best daylilies have many flower stalks, called scapes, with branches
that hold a lot of buds. The size of a
daylily plant with flower scapes may range from 18 inches to more than 3 foot. When a daylily height is mentioned in a
description it generally refers to the height of the plant with bloom scapes.
Try to choose an assortment of daylilies that bloom early, midseason and
late or that are continuous bloomers so you’ll have flowers for a long period. The
most famous of the continual bloomers is probably ‘Stella D’ Oro’ but there are
others. There are also daylilies listed as repeat bloomers, which generally
means 2 distinct bloom periods. The
bloom period is generally listed in the description.
Foliage descriptions are generally listed as dormant, the type of foliage
that dies to the ground each winter or when conditions are hot and dry,
semi-evergreen and evergreen. Plants listed as dormant tend to turn yellow and die back soon after
blooming, and are typically older varieties. Semi-evergreen foliage stays green
most of the year in mild areas. Evergreen
foliage will remain green looking all year except in very cold areas.
The terms Diploid and Tetraploid seen in plant descriptions refer to the
genetics of the daylily. For gardeners
who aren’t interested in breeding daylilies this isn’t very important. Diploid
daylilies have two complete sets of chromosomes, tetraploid have four and if
you get into breeding daylilies you’ll find other numbers of chromosome
sets. Diploid daylilies are easier to
breed and there are more diploid than tetraploid varieties. Most good pink, double and spider type
daylilies are diploid. Tetraploids tend
to have bigger flowers, sturdier scapes and a more vigorous growth pattern.
Breeders have created all sorts of flower shapes from narrow twisted
petals, to double flowers, to huge petals with ruffled edges. Daylily colors range from the palest yellows
and creams to reds, purples and mixtures of colors. Despite catalog pictures and misleading names,
there are no true white or blue daylilies yet. There are smooth petals, glistening
petals, diamond-dusted petals, creped petals and more. Diamond dusted and glistening daylily flowers
have small crystals in the flower cells that reflect light and look like a drop
of dew on the petal.
Some daylily flowers are open for more than one day, called extended
bloomers. Some open at night, and they
are called nocturnal bloomers. Some
daylilies are fragrant. These things are
generally noted in the variety description.
Daylily foliage is grass-like, with a single deep rib running along the
underside. The leaf blades can be narrow
or broad, depending on the variety. The
roots are fibrous and some may form white tubers, which store water and sugars. From the clump of leaves long flower stalks
(scapes) arise.
Daylily flowers were originally trumpet shaped with the flowers facing
upward. Each daylily flower consists of
three petals and three sepals that look like petals (except in double flowers). Each typical flower is only open for a day,
usually opening in the morning and closing by early evening. Breeders have developed daylilies that open
in the evening and flowers that stay open about 16 hours. Since each plant normally carries many buds,
the plants actually bloom for quite some time.
Some daylily varieties will bloom continuously all summer.
Daylilies are purchased as plants and the larger the plant the more
flowers you will have the first year after planting. Daylilies should be planted in the
spring. Avoid planting or transplanting modern
daylilies in hot, humid weather. They
tend to rot before rooting. The common daylily can be moved at any time and is
very hard to kill. I once took a box of
rhizomes to someone who left them under a bench near a community garden and
forgot about them. They grew through and
out of the box in a couple months.
Plant daylilies so that the crown, the area where the roots and leaf
bases meet, is just at ground level. Flare the roots out in the hole and keep
them well- watered as they establish.
They will withstand some dry weather once established but are probably
not ideal for really dry, hot areas.
Daylilies will grow in almost any soil as long as it is not waterlogged.
They prefer full sun, although some will bloom in light shade. A light application of slow release
fertilizer in early spring may aid blooming.
Keep daylilies well-watered, especially as they make buds and
bloom. Mulching cools the roots and
keeps out weeds. Daylilies have few insect or disease problems.
Older varieties of daylilies tend to get yellowed leaves with browned
edges soon after blooming and are not very attractive. Newer varieties tend to stay green until cold
weather (listed as semi-evergreen). If
leaves do yellow and look bad gently pull them off; it will not affect next
year’s blooms. Cut off any seedpods that
start to form and remove the old stem back to its base. Many people remove each flower as it dies, as
the mushy remains are not very attractive.
Daylilies will form large clumps after several years. Unlike other plants they don’t need to be
divided to keep them blooming well.
However, they may out grow their area or you may want to share the
wealth. In early spring as new foliage
starts to grow, lift and divide the clump, making sure that each piece has at
least one good set of leaves, or “fan“.
Some varieties of daylilies also make little baby plants on the flower
stalk, where a branch joins the main stem.
These can be taken off and planted although it may take a year or two
before they bloom.
Uses of
Daylilies make excellent plants for mixed borders and beds. Small varieties can be used in
containers. Daylilies can be used as
cut flowers if a stem with many full buds is cut. Each flower only lasts a day and must be
removed, but the buds will continue to open in the vase.
Daylily flowers are edible. They
can be added to salads, stuffed or battered and fried. Chinese cooking uses daylily flowers in
soups and other dishes. It is said that
moderate amounts of the young foliage can be cooked and eaten, but that large
amounts will cause hallucinations and digestive problems. Just make sure no pesticides have been used
on them.
There are some herbal remedies using daylilies, although the plant isn’t
widely used medicinally. The roots were
sometimes used to ease pain in childbirth.
They are folk remedies for arsenic poisoning and cancer treatment,
although no medical evidence supports those uses. The flowers are said to be a treatment for
hemorrhoids, but I did not find a reference as to how you are supposed to use
the flowers- perhaps as pretty toilet paper?
Daylilies are an excellent addition to almost every garden. The names alone will make you want to collect
them. How about ‘A Heavenly Flight of
Angels’ or ‘Velvet Thunder’ or ‘Veins of Truth’ or ‘Amish Patch Quilt’? Just remember many varieties are very, very
similar to each other, and one can usually find satisfying choices that won’t
break the budget. If you don’t have
daylilies in your garden it’s time to get some.
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