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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

March 24th, 2020 Spring is here

On one hand it feels like the month has flown by and on the other it seems like time has slowed to a halt. So much is happening in such a short time. The weather doesn’t help, flipping from spring to winter to spring in less than a day’s time. I woke up to 2 inches of snow on the ground yesterday, but it was gone by the end of the day and today it’s partly sunny and supposed to get into the upper forties.

My roses have little red leaf buds and the honeysuckle has green tips on the buds. I actually heard frogs outside today.  I think I will get my jelly feeder out for the orioles in a few days. I haven’t seen any but I suspect they will be here soon.

I am going to begin the big garden clean up this week. Things are popping up all over. I’ve got some bulbs I ordered arriving this week too. I’ll be potting up my dahlias and some other bulbs to get them growing. I intend to make the most of any nice days this week to be outside and away from news updates and other depressing information. Sunshine, birds singing, and the smell of soil help lift depression and calm the soul.

I keep reminding my gardening friends to remain optimistic. If you have been ordered to remain home as we in Michigan have been, it’s the perfect time to get garden work done. There is no reason not to be outside as long as you keep 6 feet away from people not in your household. That’s not a problem for me and shouldn’t be a problem for most of you with gardens.

How is the Covid19 Virus going to affect spring planting?

It’s shaping up to be an interesting spring garden season. If you are in a state like Michigan, you won’t be visiting your local greenhouse any time soon. Michigan and several other states have shelter in place rules in effect and non-essential businesses are closed. It’s early here for the garden season and maybe they will be allowed to open later in spring.

I called a few greenhouses here in Michigan and they are all closed as of today. In other states things vary. California, New York, Louisiana, Delaware, Illinois, and Ohio are states other than Michigan that as of today, now have shelter in place orders. In those states garden centers are probably closed. In the south where the garden season is in full swing, shelter in place orders and even just the thought of the virus is impacting the greenhouse business in a big way.

There’s always mail order- or is there? It looks like some mail order companies are closing too, at least temporarily. If the business is in a state where there is a shelter in place order, they may not be shipping plants or seeds. Bakers Creek, for example is closed temporarily. Some others I contacted are open and shipping seeds and plants. It might be good to get any orders you need to make done, before all states go into lockdown. Some companies may have staff that get sick or don’t show up so things may slow down considerably.

I am hoping that there may be some kind of deal worked out locally such as maybe pre-order and then do a drive through pick up. One greenhouse I called is thinking about doing that. I’d order my annual flat of pansies that way. But there are some things you would just like to pick out yourself, things you don’t know you need until you see them. And the greenhouses would need to have online lists and pictures of what they had, which might be a huge task in a short time frame.

Maybe there could be appointments made for the greenhouse shopping trip, with limited numbers of people in the greenhouse at the same time. I know I don’t want to shop in a crowded greenhouse right now even though I will miss my plant fix. And people please don’t defy your states orders and shop or open your shop if the state is prohibiting it. We must all do our part; however sad it makes us.

One of the grocery stores in our area has a greenhouse in the spring. Since people are allowed to go out to the grocery maybe I can get some things from that greenhouse. Meijer and Walmart stores usually sell plants too. The selection isn’t as good as some of the nurseries and I imagine the care of the plants will be even worse this year due to staff shortages and all the panic buying going on. Perhaps some of the local greenhouses may want to partner with a local grocery store.

Farmers will be able to carry on business as usual and in many places farm markets will still be operating. The food supply grown in this country should not be affected. There may be shortages of some things like strawberries if it becomes hard to get workers to pick and process them. But basic foods like grains, beans, meat, dairy and so on shouldn’t be affected.

It could be a banner year for greenhouse/nurseries who can get product to the customer. People are home with time to garden. And if stimulus checks get sent out what better way to spend some of that money than on plants? But it could be a bad year for those businesses if their product sits there and outgrows the flats and pots and must be discarded. I guess only time will tell.

Can hybrid seeds be organic?

The Covid virus is making many people think about having food gardens this year, although I don’t think getting food is going to be a problem once people stop panic buying. New gardeners often have many questions about seeds and gardening methods. They want to grow organically- but just what does that mean? Some are afraid to plant hybrid seeds because they think they can’t be considered organic.

One of the problems with the organic growing movement is how people define organic. If you take the word organic for what it means in the agricultural sense - growing things without synthetic chemicals, then certainly hybrid seeds can be grown organically. Recently some people have begun to assert that the label organic should also mean food that was produced by plants or animals that were not “genetically modified” as well as being grown without synthetic chemicals.  

The term genetically modified should be applied to plants or animals whose genes are altered in some way that can’t happen naturally such as when we  put bacterial genes- (Bt) into plants or insert genes from plant species that can’t cross naturally into each other. These genes will then carry into future generations if similar plants are bred together and could be carried to other similar plants in a natural cross. That contamination of plants by stray pollen from genetically modified plants can happen to all varieties of plants, not just hybrids.

There are many field crops on the market that have been genetically modified, wheat, corn, soybeans and such.  But very, very few garden plants have been altered in this manner. Your hybrid sweet corn, tomatoes, cabbage, marigolds and so on, generally are the result of good old-fashioned plant sex. The very few genetically modified garden crops are expensive and generally available only to large commercial growers.  

So, what is a hybrid?

A hybrid seed is the result of crossing two purebred varieties of plants. This usually happens in the old-fashioned way, by insects or wind carrying pollen from one type of plant to another. Plant sex. Hybrids happen between plants all the time. It can happen without man interfering at all. If you plant a row of Blue Lake beans next to a row of Straight Arrow beans and bees carry pollen from one to another, the beans produced on those plants are hybrids. The purebred parents and the resulting seeds can be grown without synthetic chemicals so yes, hybrid seeds can be organic.

When man discovers two purebred varieties of plants that when crossed produced something good, he may set out to deliberately re-create it by hand pollinating the plants or by removing the anthers, (pollen producing parts) from one variety so it can only cross with the other. He can discover which plants combine well by experimenting with hand crosses and carefully keeping records of the results. Then when he finds combinations or hybrids he likes; he can re-create the cross.

When we mate purebred animals or plants to one of the same breed for generation after generation we start concentrating certain genes. Genetic variability, the thing that lets plants or animals adapt to changing conditions, is lost. Over time a purebred strain tends to become less able to reproduce successfully, loses vigor and is more susceptible to disease.

Purebred varieties of plants are often called open pollinated. The only advantage open pollinated seeds have over hybrid seeds is that you can save the seeds (if you have carefully isolated that variety of plant from other varieties) and the seeds you plant next year will produce plants like the parents. Open pollinated plants don’t always taste better than hybrids nor are they more nutritious.

Hybrids usually have something known as hybrid vigor. The offspring of that first cross of 2 purebred parents is generally more vigorous and healthy than the offspring of pure bred parents. Hybrid seeds usually have more disease resistance and are generally more productive than “purebred” seeds. The plants, seeds, and fruit grown from hybrid seeds can be every bit as tasty, if not more so, than that grown from open pollinated seeds.

It’s a great thing to save old breeds of open pollinated plants. We need the purebred lines to produce new and better varieties of plants and preserve genetic diversity. Some organic purists, and people who want to be certified as growing organically, insist that the parent plants that produce the seeds they are going to grow were also grown without any synthetic chemicals.

But if you are just a gardener trying to grow good, safe food you don’t need to worry about whether your seeds are open pollinated or hybrid. If you don’t use synthetic chemicals in your garden then you are growing organically, regardless of what seeds you planted. Most pesticides used on parent plants would not affect the seeds when they become new plants in your garden. Remember that garden seeds are not genetically modified. A few pesticides leave very small amounts of the product in seeds. But plants grown from those seeds would have so little of the product that it couldn’t be detected, and it would be harmless.

The parents of hybrid seeds can also be grown organically so the word hybrid should not determine the organic status of any seed. Also, the term “heirloom” does not mean the seed is organic or even that it’s open pollinated. Many hybrid plant varieties are so old they can be called heirlooms too.

You may want to make sure that your seeds are not treated with some chemicals to help store them, because some of those chemicals do remain in plants grown from treated seeds in minute amounts. Fungicide treated seeds are not very harmful, but seeds treated with insecticides pose slightly more of a risk. Seeds treated with clay, called pelleted seed, so that they are easier to handle do not pose risks to your health.

So, choose the hybrid seeds that appeal to you and don’t worry that you are violating some great organic principal. If you look, you can find hybrid seed that was grown organically if that’s important to you. Expect to pay more than for hybrid seeds grown conventionally. But if you follow good organic garden practices the food you grow from any type of garden seed will be safe and for all practical purposes, organic.

The final answer is yes, hybrid seed can be organic.

Gardening Things to do with the kids

So many of you now have kids at home with nothing to do. You may be trying to homeschool or just keep them occupied. You can do both with a little gardening thrown in. Here are some ideas to help kids learn- and not just about plants.

Garden planning- (skills- reading, math, gardening)

When I was working with at risk children in an afterschool program, I found an activity that many of them loved. I brought in a bunch of seed catalogs and some graph paper and had them plan gardens. I told them to look through the catalogs and find things they might like to grow. They then read the description and wrote down how much space each plant needed between them. If there was a space between rows number, then they wrote that down too. Then they should decide how many of that plant they want to grow.

Tip: If you don’t have graph paper use lined writing paper and with a ruler draw equally spaced bisecting lines down the paper.

Show the children the graph paper and explain that each square represents a certain amount of space. Making each square equal a foot is probably the best method. Then ask the children to make a garden plan using the graph paper by marking off space and writing the plants on it. They have to give each plant the space it needs. They may have to use multiplication and division to find how many plants fit in a foot. They can assign a color to each kind of plant and color in the space also.

If your children are savvy with computer drawing, they may be able to do their drawing on the computer. That will have them practicing another skill set. But plain old drawing and planning on paper is also fun.

Older children can be given more gardening skills to work into the plan, such as grouping taller plants in back or separating plants that need sun from shade lovers. You could make them go outside and observe an actual space where a garden could go or an existing garden space. Have them measure that space and fit their desired plants into it. Keep it simple for younger kids.

It helps if you have a sample plan to show them. (You may learn some skills making it.) Try to find seed catalogs that have good descriptions of planting needs. If you don’t have garden catalogs there are plenty online. Kids could also go online to find the space requirements of different plants or look them up in a book you have.

Dandelion hunting

Here’s a real easy and helpful physical activity. Show the kids a dandelion, make them take a good look at the leaves and flowers. Then give them a tool like a narrow trowel, butter knife or screwdriver and send them out into the yard to dig up dandelions. You could award prizes for the most dandelions dug out.

You could then use the dandelions for something like a salad, feeding to pet bunnies, making dandelion wine or just compost them. And because we know bees like dandelions, we might want to save a few on the edge of the lawn. Ask the kids to pick out a dandelion sanctuary. If you don’t have dandelions or want to keep all of them you may want to choose another weed to dig.

Plant flash cards

Here’s where old garden catalogs can come in handy too. Cut out pictures of plants and paste them on cards. (This could be a kid’s activity.)  Put the name on the back. For older children you could also include the Latin name.  Use them like flash cards. The kids could simply name them out loud or better, write down the name on a piece of paper as you show the card. (Spelling, writing, memory)

If you include vegetable pictures you can ask “What part of the plant do we use?” when you hold up a card. You could also ask questions like, when does this bloom? Is this an annual or a perennial? Does this plant like sun or shade? Is this plant good for pollinators? and any other questions you can think of and want to teach kids.

Heck this game is also a good game to use with adults who like gardening. In my Master Gardener classes, as an ice breaker, I handed out cards with a picture and common name on one card and a Latin name on another and asked people to find the person with the matching card. They could use their MG book. When they found their match, they interviewed each other and then introduced the other person to the rest of the class.


Most children enjoy cooking and cooking can help with math skills as well as reading skills. Choose one that has at least a little bit of measuring needed. Or let children who are older pick a recipe from books or online that they might be interested in trying. Make children read a recipe. Then ask them to double or half it for math skills.

Let the children learn how to use measuring cups and spoons as you make the recipe. Good recipes right now may be making biscuits, a cake mix, or cookies. Or make it more exotic, creating herbal vinegars, herbal teas or remedies. One fun thing to do might be combining spices and herbs into special “blends” for cooking, like a barbecue spice rub or chicken seasoning or a basic baking mix. Maybe you could make a lemon and honey cough medicine, or decongestant rub.

Of course, you will supervise kids around stoves and hot liquids and won’t use any herbs that are dangerous.

Science classes

Hold a science class by teaching plant propagation. Talk about the parts of a plant, showing kids where a node is and explaining how if we take a stem cutting with nodes, we can grow a new plant. Let them root some cuttings. Talk about the miracle of seeds and let the kids start some seeds.

You might let kids do experiments with plants. Talk about photosynthesis and then let kids put some plants in the sun and some in a dark closet and see which grows. Let them think of their own experiments, such as fertilizing one plant and not fertilizing another and measuring the growth.


The options are endless here of course. Crafts can teach skills like reading and math too. Kids need to read directions and use math to measure things. You may be able to use science or even history lessons too. I am going to suggest some garden related crafts.

Slit seed packets carefully at the top and remove seeds. Then fill the packets with cotton to which a drop or two of essential oil has been added. Or fill packets with crushed lavender flowers or other aromatic herbs. Glue the top shut. Use packets as sachets in drawers or put stick on magnets on them and put on the frig. Ribbons glued on them could make hangers.

Paint rocks or small clay flowerpots and use them as plant labels.  Print/paint “carrots” or “beebalm” on them. Rocks or patio stones could be painted with garden sayings or whatever saying kids like. Acrylic paints will actually last a long time outside on rocks and cement blocks.

Take old black nursery pots and have the kids turn them into fancy containers by painting them, gluing fabric on them, or putting feet and faces on them. You might also challenge them into recycling junk around the house by turning it into planters.

Children could also make bird houses, toad houses, bee shelters or bat houses. You can buy kits or find plans online. You can also have them paint pre-built bird houses. If kids are using tools make sure they are supervised. For those adults who are bored building birdhouses can be a fun project.

Terrariums and dish gardens

Let the kids make a terrarium or dish garden. Any large glass jar, an old aquarium or for a dish garden an old pan or bowl will work. Children love making terrariums or dish gardens that portray a scene. Have children search outside for things they might want to include in the terrarium such as moss, tiny plants, stones, bark chunks, tree branches, driftwood, shells, and so on.

Kids can also search their rooms and the house for small figurines, like toy soldiers, plastic frogs or snakes, doll house furniture, small mirrors for ponds, anything that will look somewhat in scale with the terrarium or planter. Aquarium décor can be used if you have some stored somewhere.  The searches will be as fun as making the terrarium.

Garden stores carry tons of stuff for “fairy” gardens now and you can buy these things online. But right now, stores may not be open and ordering online usually involves a wait.  So, using things found around home may be the best solution.

You may want to consider what the children have found before you decide on the container the items will be placed in. Larger items will need larger containers, if using a jar make sure the opening will allow tiny hands and the chosen items to fit inside.

Put some good potting soil in the jar or container. Add some plants- you can take cuttings of tropical plants you have or mail order small starter plants. You could also use plants from outside such as various sedums, thyme, seedling trees, even pretty weeds like ground ivy. Let the kids use their imagination arranging their finds and the plants.

If all else fails, there’s always planting and yard work.  Put those kids to work with you. Learning to grow things could be an occupational education opportunity.

Growing crocus

The cheerful crocus is one of the first flowers we see in our gardens each spring, sometimes blooming through a late snow. The smart gardener plants crocus where they get an early start, near a building or among rocks for early spring warmth. They are best planted where they can be easily seen as the flowers are small and close to the earth. 

Hardy and easy to grow, crocus will multiply each year if they are happy in their spot. While most garden crocus bloom in the spring there are crocus that are fall blooming.

Crocus are native to the Mediterranean region and are one of the earliest cultivated plants. The island of Crete is the first documented place where they were grown domestically. They were grown for medicinal use in the times of the Greeks and Romans and made their way to the Netherlands in the 1500’s, where they quickly became a profitable crop.  In the Netherlands several species of crocus were crossed to develop the larger flowered crocus we commonly call the Dutch crocus. And in the Netherlands the crocus came to be appreciated for its ornamental beauty as well as its medicinal qualities.

The crocus has narrow grass like leaves, usually with a thin white stripe down the center of the leaves. The flowers are cup shaped, and come in white, yellow, and shades of lavender and mauve-pink. Some flowers have stripes or other markings. The flower petals and leaves are covered with a wax like coating to help protect them from the cold. In the center of the flower are three prominent stamens, (male flower parts) which are generally a contrasting color.

Species and varieties

While some 30 species are known to gardeners almost all domestic types of spring blooming crocus are derived from these species: C. vernus, C. chrysanthus, C. flavus, C. sieberi and C. tommasinianus. Some catalogs carry the species bulbs but many crocus in catalogs are hybrids.
You’ll see spring flowering crocus offered as ‘Dutch’ (hybrids selected for large flowers), or ‘Snow crocus’, usually a selection of small early flowering crocus.  Some named varities are;‘Negro Boy’, a rare dark purple crocus which was named before political correctness, ‘Tommies’, a selection of C. tommasinianus which is lavender, self-sows and spreads quickly, ‘Miss Vain’ is white and fragrant, ‘Gypsy Girl ’ is  yellow with maroon stripes, ‘Cloth of Gold ‘ is a rich orange-gold small flowered crocus, ‘Queen of the Blues’, is a large flowered true blue, and ‘Cream Beauty ‘is pale yellow with orange stamens. 

There are also several varieties of Autumn flowering crocus.  Many of these bloom before the leaves appear. The Autumn bloomers are less well known than their spring counterparts, probably because their small blooms tend to be lost in the more well-developed fall garden.

One variety, the saffron crocus, Crocus sativus,  is the source of the spice saffron. It has purple flowers and bright red stamens. It can be grown in gardens from zone 6 and higher, although it does need a cold period to develop flowers and can be a bit tricky to grow.  However, the Pennsylvania Dutch have been growing saffron since they settled in the US in their herb gardens. They use the spice to flavor chicken and potato dishes.

Saffron is an important commercial crop in other areas of the world; Spain, Italy and Iran are some of the top producers. From ancient times until today saffron has always been one of the most expensive spices, the dried stamens are often worth even more than gold per pound. Saffron also produces a lovely golden dye and has been used medicinally for centuries. Modern medicine is studying it for its medicinal qualities, there is interest in it for cancer suppression and immune system enhancement and antioxidant properties.

Growing tips for crocus

Crocus corms (bulbs) are generally planted in the fall for our spring enjoyment. They can be planted anytime the ground is unfrozen in the fall.  Autumn blooming species can be planted in the fall or spring.  If planted in the spring they may put out leaves, then die back until fall, when the flower will appear.
Plant crocus bulbs about an inch deep in clay soil and 2 inches deep in sandy soil. There is a slightly pointed area at the top of the bulb, which should be placed up in the hole. The bottom of the bulb has a raised ring where the roots used to be.  Plant crocus in groups of 10 or so about a bulb width apart for the most natural look. They need a well-drained area; they won’t do well where water stands in the spring. Crocus will bloom in part shade or full sun.  Because they bloom in early spring before most trees leaf out, they can be planted under deciduous trees.

Because crocus are shallowly planted they are easy to disturb when planting other things in the fall or spring and easy for animals to find and eat. Mark new plantings so you remember where the crocus are planted. If animals are a problem, lay a piece of ½ inch hardware cloth or other wire over the planted area. Remove it in the early spring, as soon as the ground thaws so the crocus growth won’t be impeded. 

Mulch over newly planted crocus so they won’t be heaved out of the ground by freezing and thawing in the winter. Crocus will grow up through quite a heavy layer of mulch, but it will delay bloom and they won’t be quite as pretty looking. In early spring as the ground thaws, remove some mulch over crocus plantings, especially matted leaves. You can leave a small amount of mulch, an inch or so.

Crocus need to have their leaves left after they quit blooming so that the bulb can store energy to produce a flower next year. If you plant crocus in a lawn you shouldn’t mow the lawn until the crocus leaves have died down naturally if you want good flowering and bulb multiplication next year. It’s best to leave naturalization to the edges of lawns or in small secluded locations where not mowing for a few weeks won’t be a problem.

You can fertilize crocus plantings with a slow release, granular fertilizer as they start to grow in the spring, but it really isn’t necessary in most soil.  Crocus have few problems or cultural needs other than to let the foliage yellow and die naturally. They will also multiply each year if they are happy in the spot and your crocus patch will grow larger. Crocus reproduce by seed and by bulbs growing bulblets.

Every garden, no matter how small, needs to have crocus to usher in spring.  Do you have crocus?

What crocus seedpods look like

Biscuit recipes

Last week I wrote about bread baking, for all of you that may have more time on your hands or who can’t find bread at the grocery. (I can’t believe that people actually can’t find at the grocery now). But biscuits are just as good as bread for many of us and a bit easier to make.

Here’s how to make biscuits from scratch and from baking mixes. These recipes will give you a feel for the various styles of making biscuits and you can then develop your own recipes.

Beer Biscuits

These biscuits, made with beer, have a yeasty flavor like good homemade bread. They can become your signature side dish. They are quick and easy to make. Serve them with jam or honey or add some sausage gravy for a yummy breakfast. They freeze well so make a batch or two on the weekends for breakfast during the week. The recipe will make about 18 medium biscuits.

3 cups flour
3 teaspoons baking powder
1-1/2 teaspoon salt

3 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup beer, any kind

Grease a cookie sheet.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Mix all the ingredients together, kneading with floured hands right in the pan until the dough feels smooth.

Pick out a small ball of dough and flatten it on the greased pan. The size can be any biscuit size that appeals to you. 

Bake at 375 degrees until golden brown.

Cream biscuits

I found this cream biscuit recipe and I love it.  It’s a small batch recipe and makes 6-9 biscuits depending on how you cut them. This recipe has only 3 ingredients, although you can embellish it. 

The recipe uses self-rising flour, not all-purpose flour. You can find self-rising flour next to regular flour in the store. You could also sub a baking mix like Bisquick but the taste is slightly different. Use whipping cream, not milk, the fat content is important to the biscuits texture.


2 cups self-rising flour
1 and 1/3 cup heavy whipping cream (Sub whole milk with 2 tablespoons melted butter for a slightly different taste)
1-3 teaspoons of sugar depending on your taste


Mix together the flour and sugar and then add the cream a little at a time mixing well until you have a stiff dough.

Pat the dough evenly into a greased 6x6 inch pan.

Bake at 450 degrees for about 12 minutes or until lightly browned.

Variations: brush the tops with melted butter and sprinkle on finely chopped rosemary, or add 1 cup of finely shredded cheddar cheese and about a ½ teaspoon garlic powder (or to taste) to dough. Or make the biscuits sweet ones by brushing on melted butter then sprinkling them with cinnamon sugar or adding orange zest and a teaspoon of orange juice to the dough, then brushing the tops with orange marmalade

March Maple Biscuits

A good cook knows how to make good biscuits. These are very rich and satisfying. Make this a treat; don’t sub “healthy” ingredients.  That said if you can’t find real maple syrup use the grocery store “flavored” kind.

2 cups flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
4 tablespoons of cold butter, cut into tiny pieces
¾ cup cream
¼ cup real maple syrup

2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons real maple syrup
Melt these together and set aside.

Biscuit directions

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.

Put the flour, salt and baking powder in the blender (or bowl)

Add the butter pieces, pulse blend until the mix resembles coarse cornmeal (or use a fork to cut in the flour)

Pour the cream and maple syrup into the blender, blend just a few seconds until a dough forms.  (Or blend the ingredients in a bowl)

Place the dough on a floured surface and knead several times.

Roll the dough out into a ¾ inch thick rectangle.

Using a biscuit cutter or glass cut out biscuits and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. (About 12 biscuits)

Brush each biscuit with the reserved butter and maple syrup mixture.

Bake about 12-15 minutes, until golden brown.  Serve warm with butter or maple syrup.

Cheddar and onion biscuits from baking mix

These are a more traditional biscuit with a flavor kick. Use chopped frozen onion for the best results. These are a great dinner biscuit and will be gobbled right up. Just right for serving with steak, baked chicken or fish.  Makes 12-18 biscuits.

2 cups Bisquick or other baking mix
2/3 cup milk
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1/2 cup melted butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.
Mix all ingredients together except butter.  Dough will be sticky. 
Drop by spoonfuls onto an ungreased cookie sheet.
Bake for about 10 minutes, until golden brown.
Remove from oven and brush with melted butter.  Serve warm.

"Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer." - Anita Krizzan

Kim Willis
All parts of this blog are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.

And So On….

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(This is the Lapeer County Gardeners facebook page)

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