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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12, 2019

Hello gardeners
Calla lilies 
It’s pretty here today, the sun is shining and its almost 40 degrees.  It’s supposed to be warmer and rain the next 2 days, which hopefully will get rid of all the ice that makes it so tricky to walk around and inspect my gardens.
The beds in the front yard are the first to thaw out.  The ice and snow are mostly gone there, and I see some tips of bulbs starting to emerge.  I also see that the deer have came right up close to the house and have eaten on my pretty dwarf golden arborvitae. Darn deer! It will be a race to get the ground thawed enough to put stakes in and get some electric wire strung and netting up to preserve bulbs coming up and the rest of my plants.
I usually have snowdrops in bloom by now and I can’t find any.  It may be that they were dug up accidentally or buried too deeply when I was expanding the front beds last year.  They are such tiny things it’s easy to miss the bulbs. But maybe they will still surprise me. I’m getting excited to see how the new bulbs I planted last fall will look.  I planted a lot of daffodils so maybe they’ll be safe from the deer.
My amaryllis is so pretty right now.  It has 3 large blooms with more to come.  I believe it’s the variety Minerva, but when I bought it, it wasn’t labeled.  It is about 5 years old and the pot now has three big bulbs in it.  It bloomed outside on the deck mid-summer and now is blooming again.  I have another smaller amaryllis that bloomed last year soon after I purchased the bulb, but although it has new leaves it hasn’t produced a bud stalk this year yet.  Maybe another summer outside will get it blooming.
About this time of year, I think my houseplants want to be outside as much as I do.  They are getting new leaves and growing a bit.  I need to start repotting some things and soon I will be potting up the dahlias and some other overwintered bulbs.  On the porch the rain lilies, coral drops and peacock orchids are popping up in their pots. 
If you celebrate it have a happy St. Patrick’s day and don’t drink too much green beer.
Saving the Shamrocks
It’s nearly St. Patrick’s Day and the holiday is associated with the shamrock. Is the shamrock a clover or an oxalis? It varies by who you talk to. The Irish associate a clover Trifolium dubium (Lesser or Hops clover) or Trifolium repens (White Clover) with the shamrock. But for most people the shamrock they are going to see around St. Patrick’s Day in pots is usually an oxalis. With a little care you can save this shamrock and have it as a houseplant for many years.
Oxalis are small plants, with a bulbous root.  The leaves have 3-4 leaflets, sometimes heart shaped.  Many are purple leaved or green splotched with purple.  Most oxalis have small, 5 petal flowers that open flat in the spring, although some species have funnel shaped flowers. The flowers are lavender, pink, yellow or white, depending on species.  One species, called the candy cane oxalis, has white flowers striped in red.
‘Iron Cross’ (Oxalis tetraphylla) is a four- leaved oxalis, green with purple cross markings and pink flowers. It’s a good potted plant.  Oxalis vulcanicola- ‘Molten Lava’ has orange foliage with yellow flowers.  There are other varieties for plant collectors too.
The oxalis sold as “shamrocks” are usually tender perennials and won’t survive outside in a cold winter.  Keep them in a bright window and keep them moist but not over watered to the soggy point.  A light fertilization once a month with a fertilizer for flowering plants will keep oxalis blooming for long periods of time, although they will take occasional breaks from blooming.  Well cared for plants will become larger and live for several years. The tender oxalis can make great container plants outside during the frost-free months too.
Shamrock' Iron Cross'
Holland Bulb Farm
If you neglect to water the oxalis and it seems to die don’t despair.  These plants sometimes go dormant when stressed.  Lightly water the pot and let it sit for a couple weeks, watering when it dries out. Don’t overwater it while there are no leaves, or you may rot the bulbs.  You should see new growth in a few weeks.  You can then resume normal watering and fertilizing.
Oxalis or wood sorrel species are common throughout most of the world. There are also a few types of oxalis that can be planted outside.  Oxalis adenophylla ‘Silver Shamrock’ has silver gray foliage with light pink flowers.  It’s said to be hardy to zone 6.  Oxalis depressa is a good pot plant with 4 leaved foliage and pink flowers with a yellow throat. It’s hardy in zones 5-8. When looking for oxalis to plant outside look in bulb catalogs.  They may be called wood sorrel, a common name.  The bulbs are quite inexpensive for most species.  They need to be in front of the border or in containers to be seen well as the plants are short and the flowers small.

The most valuable crocus in the world yields its secret
Crocus may be blooming in your garden, but they probably won’t be Crocus sativus or the saffron crocus. Saffron is one of the most, if not the most, valuable spices in the world and has been so for thousands of years. The spice saffron is made from the red stigmas of the crocus flower, and there are only 3 to each flower.  These are laboriously picked by hand and dried into what are called “threads”.  It takes up to 200,000 threads to make a pound of saffron which sells in the US for more than $4,000 dollars.
Saffron blooms in the fall.  Each saffron corm can produce up to 4 lavender to deep purple, fragrant flowers with those 3 bright red stamens.  Growers can pick the whole flower without worry, since saffron crocus is sterile and can only be reproduced by separating baby corms from the parent corm and growing them to blooming size.  This is another trait that keeps the saffron crocus and the spice it produces expensive.
Saffron crocus
credit Serpico Wikimedia commons
Scientists have long wondered where the saffron crocus came from as far as genetics. It has 3 duplicate sets of each of it’s 8 chromosomes making it what is known as a triploid and rendering it sterile. It was thought to be a hybrid of two species of crocus, but with the help of molecular genetics we now know the truth.
Researchers at TU Dresden's Institute of Botany found that saffron crocus actually is a mutant form of Crocus cartwrightianus, a species that is found in Greece. Two individuals of Crocus cartwrightianus that had slightly different chromosomes somehow fused together and then asexual reproduction, primarily helped by humans, kept the plant with its unique smell and taste alive

If you are thinking that saffron might be a lucrative crop to grow you wouldn’t be the first.  Most saffron is now produced in Spain and Iran and a handful of other Mediterranean countries.  There is some saffron grown in the US, the early Dutch settlers actually brought some with them and planted it cottage herb gardens.  Its sometimes even found growing wild by old houses in the mid-south.  But it’s not an easy crop to grow in the US.
Saffron is winter hardy to about 14 degrees F, but it doesn’t like wet winters.  It likes hot dry summers with rains at just the right time in the fall.  Animals like to eat the corms and out of the Mediterranean climate it has more problems with disease. Many growers in the US achieve small crops but commercial growing in the US hasn’t been very successful.  It also requires lots of hand labor, which is more expensive here in the states.
Still, if an entrepreneur was to experiment with the plant and find ways to successfully grow it here, it could become a lucrative crop.  Knowing the genetics may now allow scientists to figure out how to manipulate other, hardier species of crocus to produce the taste and aroma of saffron.
More reading

Those wildflower seed mixes
It’s the time of year when many people are purchasing wildflower seed mixes.  They have a dream of a beautiful meadow full of colorful flowers all summer long, attracting bees and butterflies.  This meadow will be carefree, requiring no work on the gardener’s part for years after they sprinkle the seeds on the ground.  Some even dream of filling containers with these wildflowers, because they don’t have any open space to plant them. Unfortunately, that wildflower meadow scenario is only realized in dreams.
I’ve noticed that those wildflower meadows in a bag (or a packet) aren’t as prominent as they used to be, and it’s probably because the concept just doesn’t work well, and sellers get lots of complaints.  But they are still out there and every spring there are gardeners buying them.  If you are considering this let me explain why it isn’t the best decision.
First you won’t succeed at all with these seed mixes unless you do a good job of preparing the soil first.  You can’t just go out and sprinkle the seed on an existing lawn or a weedy patch of ground.  You need to remove all existing vegetation and at least work up the first few inches of soil.  Like growing grass seed, you should probably apply a light mulch over the seed so it won’t be washed away or eaten by birds. 
You can plant these wildflower mixes in fall or early spring.  If it is dry after you plant the seeds you need to have a way to water them until they germinate for the best results. 
Realize that seeds that are in the soil already or that blow in or are carried in from nearby areas may come up with the seeds you planted. If you really want to do a good job of getting a wildflower meadow started you need to know how to recognize some invasive or aggressive weeds like ragweed, lambsquarters, dock, nettles and so on and weed them out when they are young.
And most native wildflowers look a lot like weeds. In fact, when things start coming up after you sow the wildflower mix most people can’t tell whether it’s the seeds they bought and sowed or weed seeds in the soil from what was there before. Of course, a weed is only a plant that you don’t want in a certain spot and many “weeds” have pretty flowers. But some weeds are neither pretty or pollinator friendly and they may quickly overtake everything else if not controlled.
What your wildflower patch might look like
Here’s a true story.  Someone asked me to come look at their “wildflower” patch and tell them which were wildflowers and which were weeds.  There were a few black-eyed Susan’s which we declared wildflowers.  The rest was chicory, Queen Anne’s lace, some common yarrow, some goldenrod that wasn’t blooming yet and a lot of different grasses.  Now to some people those are wildflowers but when I pointed that out to the homeowner, they were aghast.  “But that was what was there before” she said. “Where are the yellow and red flowers that were in the picture?”
Most wildflower mixes claim they have a variety of seeds in them and they probably do.  Some are carefully blended from native plants that would grow in your area if all went well but that mix may well contain seeds of plants that you consider roadside weeds.
Some wildflower mixes are a hodgepodge of seeds from many habitats and climates, some of which may grow in your area and some that won’t.  They may contain lots of quick blooming annual flowers which aren’t considered wildflowers or that aren’t native. That may be fine with those that aren’t native plant purists and some of those mixes are actually the prettiest, at least the first year.
Read the label to see what seeds are in the mix, and what the percentage of each is.  Look up flowers that you don’t recognize from their names.  If the label doesn’t have that information you shouldn’t buy it.  Buy mixes for your climate and conditions that exclude any invasive weed seeds and contain the types of plants you hope to see bloom.
Most “wildflowers” have short periods of bloom when they look pretty, and then the rest of the year they look like straggly weeds. It’s very hard to balance a seed mixture so that something should be blooming all over, all the time and even harder to get those seeds to germinate and bloom when and where  they should. Many plants grown from seed won’t bloom until the second or even the third year after planting.
A realistic expectation of a wildflower meadow planted from seed is that are times that it will look pretty and times when it will not. You may get something that looks like the picture on the bag if you are very lucky, at least for one year.  But wildflower meadows aren’t the same each year either.  Some species die, some proliferate and take over much of the area.  Weather and other things affect bloom seasons.  Trees and shrubs grow up and plants invade from outside areas.  This requires some weeding and brush cutting if you want some semblance of meadow to remain.
You may be thinking more about helping pollinators than creating beauty and that is fine.  But realize there may not be plants in bloom for pollinators all the time either.  Most of the time your wildflower patch will probably look like a farm field that’s been left alone for a few years and reverted to a semi-natural state.  That’s ok with some of us but for others it’s a disappointment.
Your neighbors may not appreciate the weedy look of most wildflower meadows, and if there are any laws about mowing you may be forced to mow your “weeds” down.  So, before you go to the work of planting that wildflower meadow make sure you are in an area that will allow you to leave an area unmowed. And remember that wilder areas may harbor wildlife like snakes, frogs, mice and rabbits.  I think this is fine, but you or your neighbors may not.
If you want a nice, colorful wildflower or native pollinator friendly patch you would be better off to select and plant small seedlings of native perennial plants.  Choose those you like, and that grow in your planting zone and conditions (sun, shade, moisture level in soil, soil type). Select things that bloom at various times of the year. These starter plants are available now from many places.  Mulch around them to help keep unwanted plants from popping up.  Water them until they are established.  
If you want color through much of the year and a lot of pollinators sow small patches of annual flowers among the perennials. These can be native or things like zinnias, tithonia, sunflowers, nicotiana and cosmos that are both colorful and attractive to pollinators. Some of these may reseed for you.
It may be a bit more expensive and a lot more work, but most people will be much more satisfied with the results of a carefully planned and planted wildflower or native pollinator patch than a mixture of seeds from all types of plants spread randomly.  Work on it in stages if you need to, some plants can be divided or will spread on their own to expand the plot.
For those with really small beds or who want to use containers, buying starter plants is really the best way to grow wildflowers or pollinator friendly native plants.  You could mix a few plants in one pot or have individual pots for each plant and group the pots. You’ll want to select plants that look good in and out of bloom or that have long bloom periods.  You might buy seeds of one or two varieties of wildflowers to start in a small bed.  Remember some perennials take 2 or more years to bloom.
For those of you who don’t worry about neighbors and don’t really care how the wildflower patch will evolve over the years, or that your patch is not so attractive at times, there still may be some use for those wildflower seed mixes. But do have realistic expectations of what will result from planting them and what work is needed to get them to grow.
 Spring seeding lawns
Spring is the second-best time to plant lawn grass seed, after early fall. This would be for cool season grasses, grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, most fescue and ryegrasses. This would include completely seeding a new lawn or patching older lawns.
To get good germination of grass seed you need to time the planting carefully. You want the air temperatures to be about 65 degrees F on average in the day time when you seed.  For gardeners in planting zones 7-8 that will probably be mid-to late March.  For those in zones 5-6 Early April will probably work best and for zones 3-4 mid to late April. 
If you wait too late to plant your grass seed and it gets warm and dry, you’ll have poor germination and growth. If you can’t plant grass seed early in spring consider leaving it to early fall, which is the best time to plant it.
While you want the area you are seeding to be free of snow, ice and standing water when you seed, a little snow or frost after you seed won’t hurt.  If you are seeding a new lawn on bare soil or totally renovating an old lawn by removing all vegetation, you’ll want the soil in the area to be workable- able to support you or equipment without making deep ruts or footprints.  When you pick up some soil and squeeze, it will crumble when you open your hand instead of remaining in a clay like clump.
For new lawns and total renovations work up the soil until the surface has no large clods or rocks.  Rake it smooth and fill in low spots.  If the topsoil was removed, as in some new construction sites, you may want to purchase topsoil. Put down at least 3 inches, more if you can afford it before you seed.  Try to work it into the top 3-6 inches of what subsoil was left in the area.
If the topsoil was not removed by construction you probably won’t need to add topsoil, even if you think the soil is poor.  Lime usually isn’t needed either, it’s better to do without it than add it when it’s not needed.  The best plan would have been to have the soil tested last fall.  You can still have it done but in spring getting results often takes longer and you may miss the best grass seeding time.  In this case if you still think you need some amendments work in 2-3 inches of compost to the existing soil.
For new and renovated lawns you can add some grass fertilizer either when you plant or when you see the grass sprouting. Follow the label directions carefully for the amount to apply.  Keep fertilizer off hard surfaces and away from drains. There are some fertilizers specially formulated for newly seeded lawns.
If you are adding seed to bare spots, you’ll need to be able to rake up the soil a bit so the seed has good contact with the soil.  And when overseeding and patching lawns any old grass needs to be cut very closely before you begin. (Overseeding is adding grass seed to an existing lawn that is thin.)
Before seeding bare spots or overseeding, you can apply a couple inches of compost right over the existing lawn. Then add the grass seed. You can also fertilize just after you see the new grass germinating. In this case don’t fertilize when planting seed as the fertilizer will invigorate the older grass and it may shade the new young grass or compete too vigorously with it.  Once it has sprouted and is an inch or so high it has a better chance at competing with the old grass.
DO NOT use lawn fertilizer with crabgrass preventer when planting grass seed unless you have read the label directions and it states clearly that it can be used when seeding.  Many types of crabgrass prevention products will inhibit the germination of other grass seeds too.  Scotts and a few other companies claim to have products you can use to prevent crabgrass that won’t harm other grass seedlings.  Also do not use corn gluten meal when you plant grass seed, it will inhibit germination.
To keep birds from eating the seed you may want to cover seeded areas with chopped straw.  If applied lightly it won’t hurt existing grass and breaks down quickly. Some grass seed is dyed green and the idea is birds don’t see it, but that doesn’t always work.  Keep people and pets off seeded areas until after the grass has been mowed for the first time.  That first mowing should be when the grass blades have reached 3 ½ inches and you cut them back to 3.  For the healthiest lawns keep grass blades about 3 inches long.
The most common reason that grass seed doesn’t germinate is hot, dry weather.  If spring is dry you must water the seeded areas often and if it’s also hot – 75 degrees plus, you may need to do it everyday until the seed germinates.
Forcing spring flowers
By the time March arrives most plants have had enough dormancy chilling so that a spell of warm weather can quickly bring them into bloom.  But if you bring branches of flowering plants into warm rooms you can hurry the process along.  Not every plant can be forced into bloom; it’s the branches of woody ornamental plants that bloom in early spring that can give you those perky blooms.
Good plants to try are forsythia, flowering quince, crabapples, flowering almond, redbud, flowering dogwoods, spirea, and branches from most fruit trees such as apricot, peach, apple, cherry, plum and pears.  Branches of pussy willow can provide fuzzy catkins. You may even want to add some branches that add green (or other colored) leaves to your bouquet.  Maples and willows for example, have many leaf color variations that can be a pleasing touch.  Magnolias and lilacs can be tried, but it takes longer for them to bloom inside and success isn’t a sure thing.
Use nice sharp pruning shears to get pieces of woody plants that are the right size for your vase.  Use care not to destroy the shape of the plant you are cutting from. Get permission to cut branches from the trees or shrubs if they don’t belong to you.
Make your cuts on a slant just above a bud on a branch. This is so a long bare stub won’t be left on the plant.  You are looking for branches with flower buds, which are generally fatter than leaf buds. If you are in doubt take a thumbnail and cut a bud open, you should be able to tell whether petals or leaves are hidden inside.  Of course, as stated above, some leaves may be desirable additions to the vase.
Bring your cut branches into the house and remove any buds along the branch that will be underwater in your vase.  You may want to crush the bottom of heavier branches, so they take up water better.  Place the branches in a vase of warm water.  Put them in a cooler area of the home- 55- 65 degrees F would be ideal - (it will feel warm to them).   Put them in good light but not in a sunny window.  Keep the vase full enough that the bottom of the stems is never above the water level.  If any stem is out of water for more than a few minutes, it should have a new cut made at the bottom.  If the water begins to smell dump it and add fresh.
When the plants begin blooming you can bring them to a place where you want to display them.  Blooming may take anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks depending on the plant and the conditions.  You should notice the buds swelling and beginning to show color as time progresses.  If after two weeks you notice no swelling or signs of life you may have chosen dead branches or branches from plants that don’t respond to this type of stimulus.  Discard those branches.
The blooms will last about a week.  They will be larger and last longer in cooler temperatures. Taking cuttings every few days can prolong the time you have stems in bloom. Once warm weather begins to arrive outside, stems may only need a day or two to break into bloom inside.  
Forcing some spring flowering plants into bloom early is a fast track to spring.  It’s quick and easy to do, even though it may mean a trip outside into bitter winter weather.  So,bundle up and get rid of that cabin fever by taking a walk outside to get some branches to force into bloom.  You’ll be pleased you did it.

The best fertilizer is the gardeners shadow
Kim Willis
All parts of this blog are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.

And So On….

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I write this because I love to share with other gardeners some of the things I come across in my research each week (or things I want to talk about). It keeps me engaged with people and horticulture. It’s a hobby, basically. I hope you enjoy it. If you are on my mailing list and at any time you don’t wish to receive these emails just let me know. If you or anyone you know who would like to receive a notification by email when a new blog is published have them send their email address to me.

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