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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018 Kim’s Weekly Garden Blog

Hi Gardeners
Happy Valentines day everyone
We have a foot or more of snow on the ground here, although we are expecting another thaw soon, and hopefully some of it will melt.  I am so tired of shoveling paths to the barn.  I am lucky to have good neighbors who plow my driveway for me, but a few days last week were treacherous for driving if you did decide to go out. 
February is my least favorite month.  It’s a month to just hibernate if you can and check off the days on the calendar.  My brother is here visiting my parents from Australia and down there it’s summer and hot.  He’s enjoying the snow and cold weather.  We had a little garden shop talk; my brother and his wife are avid gardeners.  Where they live winter is mild, rarely less than 40 degrees and they can grow so many wonderful tropical plants that I have to grow inside.  And the birds at their feeders are birds that cost a fortune here, and only kept inside.
Isn’t it funny that many garden plants grown here are weeds in other countries?  Take goldenrod for example, here many people consider it a weed, but in Europe it’s a prized garden plant.  Familiarity breeds contempt as the saying goes.  I want some of my brother’s weeds.
My garden projects this week have been to try and sprout the seeds I mentioned a week ago, the strange little pumpkin like fruits and the poppy seeds.  The seeds are very old.  I have them on damp paper towels and they gave plumped up but no signs of sprouting yet.  I have also been moving houseplants around trying to find optimum conditions for them and grooming them.  I found 3 small lemons on my lemon tree, an article on growing lemons is below.

Great Backyard Bird Count

This weekend it’s time for the Great Backyard Bird Count.  You can do some citizen science by observing birds in your yard at a feeder or somewhere close to you. It will only take 15 minutes of your time.  The information you collect and submit helps researchers at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society.  As our climate changes it’s more important than ever to see what is happening to the bird population.
The count takes place Friday, February 16, through Monday, February 19, 2018.  If you sign up for and participate in the count you’ll have access to charts and maps detailing where various bird species were seen and the counts. The count is taken around the world, you don’t need to be in the US. Below is a link to the page that will get you started.

Roses for Valentine’s day?
Chances are that if you think about flowers on Valentine’s Day you think about roses and probably red roses.  Around 250 million roses will be sold around this holiday and about three quarters of them will be red.  Many of these roses were cut a month or so ago and held in cold storage with certain chemical treatments to prepare for the holiday rush.  For several weeks about 30 cargo jets a day, filled with a million or so roses will be landing at the Miami airport, the hub of the cut flower trade. Many of these will be unloaded at Cargo Terminal 708, where they are inspected by customs agents.  Then dozens of smaller planes will be distributing them across the US.

Most of the roses sold in the florist’s shops across the country are now produced in Columbia, Ecuador, and other South American countries.  They were once produced in the USA, California and Florida were big producers.  Then in 1991, in an effort to disrupt coca growing (cocaine production) in Columbia and other countries The United States lowered the tariffs on imported flowers and sent in experts to help get the floral industry going.  We gave countries grants to install cold storage at airports for the fragile flowers.  In 2012 the U.S.-Colombia Trade Promotion Agreement permanently established lower tariff import fees of flowers in exchange for low tariffs on food crops we export to Columbia.

Did growing cut flowers stop cocaine traffic?  No but it helped the Columbian people in particular develop extremely successful legal businesses that employ thousands of people.  Cocoa growing in Columbia has decreased but other countries have taken up the slack.  Unfortunately, the low cost of labor and ideal conditions for flower growing in Columbia and other South American countries decimated the US cut flower market.  There are good sides to the story though for Americans.  Cut flowers are affordable for most Americans to purchase.  The supply is regular and dependable.  And thousands of American jobs still depend on roses and other cut flowers, people are needed to unpack and inspect flowers, to prepare them for small shipments across the country, to transport those shipments and to arrange and sell the final product.

Many of the red roses sold in grocery stores and in the medium and lower price range at florist shops are of one cultivar- the Freedom rose.  It’s a sturdy red rose of medium size that stores well but has no fragrance.  Other red rose varieties in commerce are Monte Carlo, Madame Red, Sexy Red and Incredible.  Those varieties aren’t often grown in home gardens, because they aren’t very cold hardy.  Most florist roses, especially red roses, have little or no scent.  Highly scented roses don’t store as well as less fragrant ones, at least those produced so far.

Color and number of roses

In the language of flowers red roses symbolize passionate love.  Pink roses symbolize friendship or sibling type love, pink and peach roses are the colors to give young innocent girls also.  White roses are symbols of peace, respect or reverence.  Be careful gifting white roses as in some cultures they are associated with death and funerals.  Conversely white roses are often used in wedding bouquets in the US and other countries to symbolize purity and innocence. Yellow roses are supposed to symbolize congratulations or thanks or cheerful celebrations. 

There are some very deep red roses sold as black and roses dyed black.  Be careful gifting them as some people associate them with bad luck and death, others just see them as unique and different.  Purple and lavender roses are symbolic of royalty, commemoration and dignified celebrations. They are often used at funerals for men and older people.

So, what do rainbow colored roses symbolize?  That you have bad taste, at least in my opinion, if you are the giver of the roses.  These roses are dyed, and they don’t last as long as undyed flowers in the vase. They are gaudy and unnatural looking. If you are the recipient of rainbow roses- hey it’s the thought that counts-right?

By the way, some devout Muslims don’t allow gifts of flowers between men and women. If your love is Muslim it would be respectful to ask if it’s appropriate before sending flowers.  It is generally ok to bring flowers as a hostess gift to a Muslim home.  One should not send flowers to a Jewish funeral.

Beside the color of roses, the number of roses you give is also said to be symbolic and not just of your bank account.  One red rose is given to a first date or to a person who gets to stay on a reality show.  Three red roses is supposed to be a traditional one month anniversary gift. Six red roses are for infatuation or crushes or youngsters who can’t afford large bougets to give their love.

A dozen roses says what most want to say on Valentines day with the gift- you are mine or I love you sincerely.  Thirteen roses say we are just friends and for some people it symbolizes bad luck.  It might be bad luck to give your long-time spouse 13 roses.  If you want to be forgiven or express that you are sorry for something give 15 roses.  Fifty roses is supposed to show your love is limitless (and that you are very successful financially).

Caring for cut roses

So, whether you get one rose or 50 how to you care for them as cut flowers?  If the vase you are going to use is one that’s been used before for flowers make sure its cleaned out with hot water and soap. Then fill it with clean cool water. Many come with a little packet of preservative and you should use that. Pennies, sugar, and aspirin are not helpful in prolonging vase life.  Before you place the roses in the vase cut a small piece off the bottom of each stem.  Stems dry in transit and become clogged and this insures the stem can take up water.

Flowers tend to last longer if you change the water each day.  Putting the vase of flowers in the refrigerator overnight can also be helpful in extending vase life. Keep the flowers out of direct sun and away from heating vents. Florist roses vary in how long they last from a few days to more than a week.  It depends on how the roses were cared for before they were purchased and after they are purchased. 

Here are some links to previous Valentines Day articles.  You’ll find them on the pages to the right of the main blog too.

Plants that promise passion

African violets

Violets, violas

Growing Your Own Lemons

If you enjoy lemons it is possible for homeowners in the southern reaches of the US to grow this lovely tree in the yard.  And for everyone else, the lemon makes a wonderful potted plant and can even bloom and produce lemons for you indoors.  I have had a lemon tree for many years and for the last few years I have got a few small lemons each winter from it.

History of Lemons

No one knows where the first lemon tree grew, somewhere warm, possibly northwest India. They were known to be cultivated in southern Italy, the Mideast and China in ancient times.  Sailors and other travelers frequently carried lemons with them to prevent scurvy.  Columbus carried lemons with him when he landed in the New World in 1492.

Lemons were grown as a crop in California as early as 1751 and in Florida in the early 1800’s.  While lemons are still grown as a crop in those states and in Arizona, the biggest growers of lemons are the Mediterranean areas of Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus and TurkeySouthern Mexico and other Latin American countries also produce lemons.

How Lemons Grow

The true wild lemons are small trees rarely more than 20 feet high.  The branches and leaves are alternate on the tree. Lemon trees have sharp thorns, particularly when young.  Some thorn-less or nearly thorn-less varieties have been bred however. Lemon leaves are thick, shaped like a long oval with fine serrations on the edge and small “wings” on the leaf stems.  They emerge reddish in tint and turn dark green on top and lighter green below.  The tree is evergreen, retaining its leaves year-round.   

Lemons flower sporadically throughout the year, although commercial varieties are bred to have larger crops at various times of the year.  The lemon flowers are small and white; they have a pleasant fragrance like orange blossoms, although not as strong.  The lemon fruit varies by variety but is generally some shade of yellow, although some lemons have green or white stripes.   The fruit is oval with a characteristic nipple on one end and numerous oil glands on the thick skin.

Lemon fruit may be left to ripen on the tree and will remain edible on the tree for several weeks.  Commercial growers pick lemons before they are ripe and “cure” them before they are sold.

Growing Lemons at Home

Lemons are very susceptible to frost and will survive outdoor planting only in areas that do not drop below 30 degrees. They can be covered for a few nights if temperatures get low but won’t survive a long cold period.  Zones 9 and above are probably the limit of hardiness for outdoor planting but some people have had success with the hardiest varieties in Zone 8 with some protection.

Many lemons that are sold are grafted on to rootstock from oranges or other citrus.  The varieties that grow best in your area will differ considerably from what will grow in other areas.  If you are in a citrus growing county consult with your county Extension office as to what variety of lemon will grow best in your area.

The lemons that are most often planted in yards are probably the Meyer Lemon and Ponderosa Lemon.  Both are not true lemons but are hybrids between lemons and mandarin oranges.  The fruits taste and look like lemons although they are not as acidic as true lemons.  These are the plants sold most often for growing as potted plants too.

Outside lemons prefer full sun, well-drained soil, and protection from strong winds.  They do well in courtyards and against the south wall of homes.  Lemons like fertile soil with plenty of organic matter, preferring a slightly acidic to neutral ph. 

Plant your lemon tree at the same level it was growing in the pot or nursery.  After planting, sprinkle slow release fertilizer, about a cup per tree, on the top of the soil around the tree and water well.  Do not put the fertilizer in the hole as you plant.  In areas where citrus is grown special citrus fertilizers are generally sold in garden stores. Feed lemons about three times a year, evenly spaced between March 1 and November 1.

Water your lemon tree if it gets very dry, although lemons tolerate some drought.  Deep watering several times a month is preferable to many small amounts of water, as a tree might get in an irrigated lawn.  Frequent watering where water gets on the trunk makes the lemon tree susceptible to rot diseases.  Also keep mulch from touching the trunk of the tree.

Lemon trees produce a lot of water sprouts, tiny shoots that grow on the trunk. These should be removed as soon as they appear.  You can prune the tree to keep it smaller or to shape it but avoid pruning during the winter months.  If your tree has thorns, you can clip the points off without doing any harm.  Remember when you prune you may be removing flower buds.

My tiny pot grown lemon

Growing Lemons in Pots

The Meyer and Ponderosa lemon are often sold as house and patio plants and specialty catalogs may carry some other cultivars suitable for indoor growing. Buying a plant is preferable to starting a lemon from seed from a grocery store lemon because those lemons may not be suitable for pot culture or your growing zone.  

In the south where the cold period is short, simply move the pot inside by a sunny window for a few weeks.  In the north, where cold periods are much longer, you will probably need to provide supplemental light from a grow light for several hours a day (or all day).

I think potted lemons do best if they can be moved outside for the summer.  That’s when they are most likely to bloom. Don’t put them in full sun immediately, put the potted lemon in a partly shaded spot and move it into full sun after 2 weeks so that it adjusts without burning the foliage. Lemon trees should be moved inside before temperatures fall below 40 degrees.  They prefer an indoor temperature of 65-75 degrees. 

The pot for your lemon must drain well.  Outside on the patio it should be elevated a few inches, so water drains out quickly.  Use a light, all-purpose potting soil in the pots.  Do not start the plant in too large a pot. A 6-8-inch pot is good for a seedling tree.  As the tree grows move the pot size up by a few inches a year.  

Yellowing or pale green leaves generally mean the plant needs fertilization. If you can find citrus fertilizer, use that at half the strength recommended for outside plants. Most citrus fertilizers are acidic, an acidic fertilizer for blueberries can be used. Or you can just use a houseplant fertilizer for blooming plants. Water the tree when the soil feels dry.  Do not over water potted lemons, but they should never get to the point of wilting.

Indoors lemons are susceptible to scale and spider mites.  Spider mites can be treated by raising humidity around the plant and frequently misting.  Putting the whole plant in a warm shower is also helpful. Once the tree moves outside spider mites usually disappear.  Don’t use pesticides for spider mite treatment unless the label specifies spider mites as an insect it controls.

Scale looks like brown bumps on leaves, stems and trunks.  There may be a sticky “honeydew” on leaves and near by objects.  If the tree is small enough you can go over every branch and stem and simply scrape off the scales with your fingernail or a wet cloth.  Larger trees and extreme cases of scale will need to be treated with a systemic pesticide, which means you will not be able to eat any fruit within the time frame listed on the label.

Keep your potted lemon pruned so that it remains manageable.  Even small plants can bear fruit in pots.  The lemon is self-pollinating and doesn’t need another lemon to bear fruit.  Even if the lemon doesn’t give you fruit it makes an attractive houseplant.


Harvest a lemon for use whenever it feels plump and looks yellow.  They will hold for a long time on the tree if you don’t need them all at once. Lemons can be canned or juiced and the juice frozen.  Refrigerate ripe fruits for longer fresh storage.

Don’t expect a large harvest from plants kept indoors, a few lemons a year are average.  Those lemon fruits are usually smaller than lemons grown outside.

Free Master Gardener Lesson – Plant Science lesson 3- the anatomy of plants

Whether you are identifying plants, learning about their care or just interested in botany knowing the parts of plants is essential.  Because this is a basic overview of plant biology and because I know most people don’t like reading lengthy science-based articles in a blog I am going to be brief in my descriptions.  But if you feel you need more information don’t be afraid to ask a question in comments or by emailing me,

Like animals, plants are made of cells, groups of organized, specialized cells make tissues, and organs are collections of tissues working together.  Groups of organs working together to perform specialized tasks are called systems. Let’s start at the smallest level.

Plant cells

The cell is the basic building block of all living things.  As I mentioned last week plant cells differ from animal cells because they have a rigid cell wall composed of cellulose and various other compounds.  Cell walls are what holds the plant upright or give it form, they play a roll like bones in an animal.  There are several types of cells in a plant and they can have varying cell wall thickness, depending on what type of tissues they are organized into.  Cell walls also have areas where water and food can pass through them to the next cell.

Working from the outside in, there is a membrane just inside the cell on the back of the cell wall.  This is called the plasma membrane.  It holds and protects the cytoplasm, a jelly-like material composed of sugar, water and minerals that is basically filler around other plant cell components floating in it.  In the cytoplasm are little sacs of pigments, if they are green they are called chloroplasts and if another color chromoplasts.  The chloroplasts are primarily responsible for photosynthesis, the process in which the plant makes sugars from sunlight and water.  The chromoplasts help in this process and in other plant functions. 

A larger sac like structure in the plant cell cytoplasm is called the nucleus and it holds the instructions that control chemical activities and plant characteristics, the DNA.  It is often called the “brain” of the cell.

In the center of a plant cell is the dominating feature that distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cell, the vacuole.  It’s a large, water filled sack and it provides support for the cell walls when it is filled.  When the plant cell has enough water the vacuole provides turgor pressure and the plant looks crisp and firm.  If the plant cell doesn’t get enough water the vacuole shrinks, and the cell walls give a bit and we see the plant droop or wilt.
Since the plant does not have a way to get rid of solid wastes it also uses the vacuole to store tiny solid waste particles it may have taken in from the air or water.  They will be there until the plant dies and decomposes.  This is how plants can be used for removing soil and air pollutants, they go in but can’t get out.

Plant tissues

When cells are organized into groups that work together to form a function they are called tissues.   Meristematic tissues are where all plant growth/division takes place.  This is a layer of rapidly dividing cells that can produce other, more specialized plant tissues, they make the buds, stems, leaves and roots and make plants grow in height or girth.  Animals do not have this specialized growth tissue.

Meristematic tissue is further distinguished by where on the plant they occur.  Apical meristematic tissue is on the end of a shoot or root.  It’s the tissue that causes new plant parts to form when we propagate a plant from cuttings.  It is responsible for upright growth or length of plant parts.

Intercallary meristematic tissue is found at the bases of leaves and helps the plant lengthen smaller stems and it’s leaves.

Lateral meristematic tissue would be found in the other places on the plant, and they expand the width, thickness or girth of a plant part. Lateral meristematic tissue forms the cambium layer, the layer of tissue that the plant veins run through, the phloem and xylem.  Those specialized transport cells are also made by the meristematic tissue.  Last week I discussed those plant “vein” cells when I talked about monocots and dicots. The phloem cells carry sugars (food) and the xylem carry water. They are made as needed by meristematic tissue and are called vascular tissue.

Plants also have dermal tissues that provide protection for the plant.  The outermost tissue layer on a plant is called the epidermis and is comparable to animal skin. In plants the epidermis often has a waxy layer on the top called cutin, which protects the cells beneath it.  Periderm is the thick protective tissue we call bark.  Periderm also protects the tips of roots as the push through soil, in a layer called the root cap.
Periderm ( bark)
The epidermis also has specialized cells which make pores called stomata.  Stomata consists of 2 guard cells which can expand or contract and regulate the flow of water vapor and other gases in and out of the plant.  When the stomata cells are full of water they push the cell pore open allowing more water vapor and gas to exit.  When the stomata are told they need to conserve water (when they don’t have enough water), they collapse a bit and close the pore.  To visualize this think of a coin purse where you push the sides together and the center opens.  When you relax your hand, it closes.

Another type of tissue that plants have is ground tissue.  It is generally for support and storage and for completing and regulating some plant processes. The Parenchyma is ground tissues that occurs in all plants and is living. It performs or directs some chemical processes in plants. Most cells carrying on photosynthesis are in the parenchyma tissue. They help regulate plant processes such as respiration. This tissue may store sugars or turn sugar into starches. 

Collenchyma is plant tissue that performs support function for younger plants.  The cell walls aren’t as rigid as some plant cells and allow young plants to bend while still providing structural support. They are usually found in green stems and branches and the cells are alive.

Sclerenchyma tissue is what we call “wood” in trees.  It consists of non-living cells that supply support and strength for larger plants.

When tissues group together to perform certain functions, they form the plant organs. Plant organs are leaves, roots, stems, and reproductive parts.  Plant organ systems, groups of related organs, are the roots (below ground parts) and shoots (above ground parts.)

Flowers, Leaves and stems- the shoots

The most important function of leaves is to absorb sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. (In a very few plants the stems are the primary organ of photosynthesis).  Leaves may also provide protection for reproductive organs and they are where most plants release most of their gaseous waste, water vapor, oxygen or CO2 and so on. Most leaves have two parts, the blade and the petiole or leaf stem.  In another article I’ll discuss the shape variations and function of leaves.

Stems are the plant organ that provide support for the leaves and reproductive parts.  They protect and support the plant vascular system. Buds form along the stems in most plants.  Buds are embryonic plant parts which can turn into either flowers or leaves. There are many types of stems and I will discuss them in another article.

Reproductive organs are flowers and the male and female parts they contain.  These are the anthers, stigma, and ovaries, which turn into fruits. Flowers are complex organs. If a flower has sepals, petals, and both sex structures they are called complete flowers.  If they are missing one of these, and many flowers are, they are called an incomplete flower. I’ll probably make a whole article about flowers because there is so much to talk about.

Apricot buds and bloom.


Roots are another plant organ.  Roots anchor the plant in the soil, but their most important function is to absorb water and minerals from the soil for plant processes. They also store water and food, and that makes many roots good food for us too.    Knowing what type of roots your landscape and houseplants have will help you in care decisions such as knowing whether the plant can be easily transplanted and knowing whether you can divide the plants to make several new plants.

There are two types of root systems, taproot and fibrous.  Taproots are long and thick and mostly unbranched, although they are sometimes forked or otherwise distorted.  A carrot is a good example of a taproot.  Fibrous roots have many branches, forming a net like web underground.  There may be some roots that are larger and thicker but there is no one central root.  Grass has a fibrous root system as does lettuce, tomatoes, and many garden perennials and houseplants.

Roots have an epidermal layer of tissue on the outside and this tissue often produces root hairs, tiny thread like protrusions that can penetrate the pores in soil to take up more water and nutrients. Both taproots and fibrous roots may have root hairs.There are many modifications to roots and stem parts that seem like roots, such as tubers, corms, bulbs, and rhizomes. I’ll discuss them in another article.

I think we have enough material to digest here. I used to teach this class in a 4-hour session.  It’s a lot to digest in that time but MG students do have a manual to refer to for review.  As homework I suggest you cut a stalk of celery crosswise and place it in a glass of water in which you have added some bright food color, a fresh cut is needed.  Leave it an hour or so and the dye will be taken up by the vascular tissue.  You’ll be able to see the vascular tissue, ground tissue and epidermal tissue.  It will also show you the celery is still alive, think of that next time you munch some.

Dominican Fried Chicken

Here’s a good recipe to try for a Valentines day meal.  It’s a tropical take on chicken.  It’s usually served with rice but sweet potatoes or regular potatoes are also good.  This fairly simple recipe is a delight for the taste buds.  You will need to add about 4 hours of marinating time to the preparation.


3 ½ to 4-pound chicken, cut up in serving size pieces- note smaller pieces cook more evenly, I would divide large breasts.
¼ cup dark rum
¼ cup Japanese soy sauce
¼ cup lime juice
1 cup flour
2 cups of frying oil, preferably not soy or canola
Salt and pepper to taste

Place the rum in a saucepan.  Ignite the rum with a lighter and swirl it back and forth in the pan until the flames are gone.  This removes most of the alcohol.

Place the rum, lime juice and soy sauce in a large plastic bag or bowl with a tight cover.  Add the chicken pieces and swirl them in the fluid until well coated.

Marinate the chicken in the rum mix for 4 hours in the refrigerator. Occasionally turn the bag or bowl upside down to re-distribute the marinade.

Place the flour in a pan or bowl and add the pepper and the amount of salt you prefer and stir to mix it well. You can also use a large plastic bag for the flour.

Remove each piece of chicken from the marinade and pat it dry with a clean paper towel.  Then dip it in the flour, rolling pieces to coat them well or drop them in a plastic bag with the flour and shake.

Place each piece of coated chicken on a plate or tray until all are coated.

Heat your cooking oil in a large skillet until it’s quite hot (375 degrees F) but not smoking.

Fry a few pieces of chicken at a time so they are not crowded in the pan.  Fry until crispy and light brown, about 15 minutes.

Place the fried pieces on paper towel lined baking sheets and keep in a warm oven until all are fried.  Keep hot until served.

I want a dome over my house, one giant greenhouse, no snow.

Kim Willis
 “He who has a garden and a library wants for nothing” ― Cicero

© Kim Willis - no parts of this newsletter may be used without permission.

And So On….

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An interesting Plant Id page you can join on Facebook

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If you have a comment or opinion you’d like to share, send it to me or you can comment directly on the blog. Please state that you want to have the item published in my weekly note if you email me. You must give your full name and what you say must be polite and not attack any individual. I am very open to ideas and opinions that don’t match mine but I do reserve the right to publish what I want. Contact me at

I write this because I love to share with other gardeners some of the things I come across in my research each week. It keeps me engaged with people and horticulture. It’s a hobby, basically. I hope you enjoy it. If you are on my mailing list and at any time you don’t wish to receive these emails just let me know. If you know anyone who would like to receive a notification by email when a new blog is published have them send their email address to me.

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